Education Loans

Education Loans

Thousands of Indian students go abroad every year to study in one of the top universities and colleges. As per the ministry of external Affairs – Government of India, until July 2019, around 10.9 Lakh Indian students were studying abroad, and their number is increasing rapidly. However, not all aspiring students are able to study overseas, as this requires a substantial amount of financial backing. For them, it is not the end of the road; they too can fulfill their dream of studying abroad by getting an overseas education loan. Today, a number of banks and lenders offer loans to students for higher education abroad.

We have contacts with Nationalized banks offering Educational Loans for overseas studies at reasonable rates. We also help you with the entire procedure, starting from eligibility criteria and selection of bank, to making loan application, preparing required documentation etc.

There are several other public and private sector banks as well as lenders that provide overseas education loans to students. Education Loan usually covers:

  • - Tuition Fees
  • - Examination, library, laboratory, and hostel charges
  • - Cost of purchasing books, equipment, instruments, and uniform
  • - Travel expenses for study abroad
  • - Caution money, refundable deposit, etc.

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